Tuesday Feb 12 200

This is the first post card size Sumptuous Surface
I finished while taking an online class with
Sharon Boggor from Australia. We were
to have a silhouette of whatever
we wanted as the theme. I picked a
white finger star shell.
The top background stitches represent
under sea flora and
doing it in 3 layers in differnt subtle
colors gives the texture
this assignment is all about.
We were to not use much color
and stay monotone
as much as posssible to see,
in the final result how
texture done in various ways,
is used in fabric art.
On the bottom are are varied stitches, such as
wagon wheels, Colonial and French knots,
satin stitch, phuff and others---plus embellishments
including some great white turquoise,
abalone, tiny shells, buttons and beads. If I
had started using a white background
I would not have filled the
sea star, but it's slender shape became
lost till I outlined it in the darkest shade I dare
use and then filled it with
glass beads to represent how the sea is so often
shimmering This concept is so different
then doing a painted design to me, that
it does stretch my outlook and also
being involved helps bring more understanding
and appreciation of the fiber arts.