Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sad News

The call came this morning, from my
daughter Kim....her son, Sean Soucy, lies in
Intensive Care following a car accident
over by the lake--he was Lifestared
to St Francis Hospital where he is
now in coma mode and time is
now slowly passing waiting to
hear of improvement
in his broken condition. Two
other people, I don't know, were also
hurt and are in Hospitals.


Anonymous said...

I heard about the accident, just so terrible!!! I will certainly pray for him and your family. May God Bless an take care of him.

Anonymous said...

Im so sorry to hear about what happened. Everyone will be in my prayers.

Cheryl Soucy

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about this . I am praying for my cousin and his friends. i am waiting by the phone for more news.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou so much for your comments that Kimberly will be able to read, too

cmokoski said...

So sorry to hear about Sean's accident. A parent's worse nightmare. I'm praying for Sean's recovery and for Kim, Ga and the entire family to get through this difficult time. My thoughts are with you all.

Cheryl (Dobson) Mokoski

Anonymous said...

To Ga, Kim, Amber, and family;
So sorry to hear about this terrible accident. Lets just hope and pray that he will be able to pull through and have some quality of life. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

God Bless,
Paul Soucy

Anonymous said...

Is he son to Patrick Soucy? How is he doing. I am sorry I didn't get a chance to read your blog for the last couple of days.
He will be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

My family is praying for Sean everyday! God Bless you all.

Amy Dondero

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's been 33 days today. I'm getting very impatient and I keep praying that he wakes up soon. It's been hard. Thanks for posting this noknee :)

winna said...

Sean pulled thru...and live at home with health aides and gets to joy visits to lots of places... he's a Red Sox fan so we're hoping they go far this year..xxoo, Me (his Nana)