Sunday, January 9, 2011

"A Hearty Beginning"

Valentine's Day is for

Love to be tied

to one another

as a groom and a bride


The face on the plate

must congratulate

the couple who is married

on this date


Here I post a sketch instead of

a photo--as time permitted

and the heart was willing.


My poem mentions the

face on the plate which

got there for the photo shoot as

I usually scan the area I am in

and spy something that I feel

will enhance the photo ..,this

amusing head was a recent find

that insisted I buy it...


Sandy said...

Whimsical and romantic and delicious-a trifecta!

Dan Kent said...

As always great pen work, interesting border and flourishes and design.

kazumiwannabe said...

Fun plate! I love spending time studying all the original details you always put in your compositions - and reading your words.