Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What Happened?

Wed. April 3oth 2008
I'm always looking for old chairs or
new for that matter---that tell
me something when I spy them..
this one says, somebody cared
what the broken chair back's
story was----we can't
know what happened, but
we sure can speculate
a number of scenarios,


Anonymous said...

This happend to Dottie Rashington when trying to move her belongings out in the middle of the night--it looked like there was room for the chair between the plant stand and the boxes of Reader's Digests, but that assumption was wrong. She had to leave several items, including the plaid shawl Tom gave her on their wedding day.
from: The Hollow Grapevine

Anonymous said...

I will remember never to discard and old chair, give it to Jill and she will create something beautiful. :)

Anonymous said...

Great picutre!!

Anonymous said...

This chair is a prop from the movie "Stafford Women's Club Gone Wild". It was used in the scene when Agnus, who had been hitting the cooking sherry prior to the meeting, accuses Gert of making eyes at her man. Agnus grabs the chair and hits Gert across the back, WWF-style. Quite the fight erupts after this. Clothes are torn off and food is thrown....not a pretty sight...but a money-making movie!