Saturday the 12th of April '08

Here are some items I found in
a shop that are the type of thing
my heart jumps for joy over. They
were not costly and in each piece I
can see a story unfold and plan all
sorts of assemblages with them---only
hope to get some of them done.
There's an
old spoon, flattened one might speculate
on the railroad tracks that run through
town---I would say a boy did this to
impress somebody and make another
one upset---so goes his life---until
the spoon becomes evidence in
a trial that rocked the town's
elite and kept tongues wagging to this day.
......Now there's just an example of
something to build on in a
creative assemblage. Hummmmmm,
the Oliver Twist opener---that MUST
have be one from the old
Pub people hardly remember
any more, but was quite the
place to rendezvous....