drawn on the last day of 2008--
it snowed all day and the winds
whipped the snow on my car
as I tried to write FROSTY on
the window--Burrrrrrrr.....
I came in ultra fast, after
taking a picture. The German
writing on the door seemed
apt for a VW..it says
'draw something frosty
Not so mellow yellow :) Happy New Year.
You were pretty brave to go out there yesterday just to take a photo. I went out and shoveled a bit last night, very cold!!! Happy New Year.
Great challenge interpretation!
i love your creative interpretation! happy new year!
Nice one, i thought about taking a photo of writing in a frosty window of my car but typically since i've thought about it we've had no frost and my thinking hadn't gone beyond that lol! Happy New Year
Happy New year to you Winna.
I have been away for a while and have just been checking out your last few entries - great, as usual. I love the bright yellow of your car - bet everyone recognises you when you are out and about. I am a bit behind with the last two challenges - no frost around here at the moment....
Hi, I think your artwork is great! Are the pieces on the left side of your blog pastel? They are phenomenal. . . Nice work.
I am getting cold just looking at it. Well done.
It is snowy and cold here in London, Ontario, Canada too.
Melissa---all the paintings are Acrylics except for the large oil trouble light one....which I wantd to do more of---large and in oils--but it totally exhausted me...I can manage the moleskine sketchbooks and am happy to have fond EDM---through Danny's books...Winna
Now that is frosty! Great journal page!
This has to be the most "cheerful frosty-cold illos" yet! Well Done! :)
Brrrrr. Love it. Happy New Year
I shall never moan about London cold ever again ( well, at least not for a bit....) ;o)
Perfect Frosty post, Colorful, fun and yet COLD - we were in Bethel Maine and Yes the wind was horrid and the artic blast was well on its way In!! Happy New Year, stay warm!
Great picture. It makes me shiver just to look at it.
Very good!
I think we should keep the same view, and then in our understanding of this point, and then deeper thinking!
After reading the information, I may have different views, but I do think this is good BLOG!
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