One of my favorite photos from
the weekend--this is in the
shade---not easy to get the color
so thank heavens for PSP 7...
where I could lighten it. I am wondering which
photo, different people like best...and
here's the chink---
say why you prefer one to the other.?

I suppose that pumpkin over on the right all alone, is me at a party ready to haul out of there?
I like the top one better. The window reflections are much brighter.
I see you have a box on the bench,
with a cover that's bent...
and two on stone that are
bad to the bone.
......William Shakesbeer
I like the bottom one. I think the pumpkins around the rock is interesting. A lot of movement for the eye, a good thing.
I like the bottom picture best. More pumpkins and less window glare. Besides, if you look carefully at the first photo there is a creepy looking person in window...BOO!
I like the bottom picture more. In the first one my eye is drawn to the window first, but in the bottom one I notice the pumpkins first.
I vote for the top picture - the focal point is the box and it is interesting because we don't know what's inside
The bottom picture is better to me because the eye flows naturally from the top left, across the page and down. The bottom pumpkins bring your eye around and back up to the focal larger pumpkins. There is also more textures available in the bottom picture. The leaves, gravel etc. The mass of pumpkins also grounds the picture well.
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