Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Back Side

Thursday May 22 2008

Another 'guess where' in town---
it shouldn't take too long to figure this out.
That brick work has been around for a long
long time, I would imagine. How many
times the steps were taken for various


Anonymous said...

There are some nice shadows going on in this picture.
I haven't a clue where it is, since I am not that familiar with Stafford.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking that this is the back entrance to the Historical Society (Old Library). Nice photo!!

Anonymous said...

It does look similar, however it is not the old Library---I am pretty sure you won't get it---not where you'd be going.

Anonymous said...

O.K. how about the old Button Shop on the back road to Holland, can't think of the name.

Anonymous said...

It's in downtown Stafford----that's my big hint EJM

Anonymous said...

It's in downtown Stafford----that's my big hint EJM

Anonymous said...

One more try, Furnace Ave. near Inspiration Station???

Anonymous said...

YES-----IN BACK---wish I had a prize for you !

Anonymous said...

This photo is a step above anything I could do....

Anonymous said...

That's o.k. I was on my last strike anyway :)