(right click to see larger)
A very tasty super because the tomatoes
had a fresh garden flavor,
the grapes were very crisp and sweet.
the crock pot beef slices tender,the low
fat Mayo, Ancient Grains bread and
seasonings all combined for a
healthy aspect.....plus taking the
photo and nestling the very dear stone
French Guinea Hen I found in Eastport,
Maine,brought back a
smiling moment
in my life.
I spied it in a quaint, set back
off the road, attached to a
barn gift shop.
I had never seen guinea hen curios
before and had been on a mission to find
something as the neighbor's hens often
go on patrol in my yard.
I gasped...and probably would
have knocked anyone over that
had been unfortunate enough to
be in my path...
The piece reminds me of soapstone
that I carved with many years ago.
I recall the residue from this was talc .
Not far from here is Soapstone
Mountain, named for deposits long
ago diminished. Now I drive over this
mountain to a mall for art supplies
not available here.
At first I thought the Guinea Hen was a big plum added to this decorative meal....Kim
You always eat so healthy and it shows on how wonderful you look. Love the little guinea hen. I can see why you would have knocked anyone who got in your way on your way to snap it up.
Nancy Masters
You are so healthy no-knee :)
That looks delicious! I enjoyed having a look round your blog :-)
Thank you so much for your comments on my blog. I just joined the bloghop but I don't have a clue how to add it to my blog - could you let me know? I'd very much appreicate it.
Hi Winna! Your photos are making me hungry! Would you make me my lunch every day???? I usually settle for a yogurt because I'm so busy. I love the little hen on the plate!
I see everyone doing this blog hop thingy but I'm computer illiterate when it comes to this stuff. Can someone spell out the directions to me on this one? Do I link on someone's blog, or link on my own? I don't understand, but I'd love to join!
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