Friday, August 27, 2010

"Whole Wheat Muffins and Vogue"

I couldn't find and whole wheat
round breads in the freezer,
so I grabbed English Muffins that were...
With sprinkles of seasonings and
drizzled honey they go so well
with the latest issue of Vogue
which is like picking up a dream suitcase
loaded with all sorts of delights..
My first inklings of a career in
'art' were for fashion illustration
and that whole world--and I have
never lost this love of all the trappings,
materials and endless possibilities of
design that the ages have created and
I can only hope that the future is not going to be
everyone wears jumpsuits with
a vee embellishment !

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Smiling Supper

(right click to see larger)
A very tasty super because the tomatoes
had a fresh garden flavor,
the grapes were very crisp and sweet.
the crock pot beef slices tender,the low
fat Mayo, Ancient Grains bread and
seasonings all combined for a
healthy taking the
photo and nestling the very dear stone
French Guinea Hen I found in Eastport,
Maine,brought back a
smiling moment
in my life.
I spied it in a quaint, set back
off the road, attached to a
barn gift shop.
I had never seen guinea hen curios
before and had been on a mission to find
something as the neighbor's hens often
go on patrol in my yard.
I gasped...and probably would
have knocked anyone over that
had been unfortunate enough to
be in my path...
The piece reminds me of soapstone
that I carved with many years ago.
I recall the residue from this was talc .
Not far from here is Soapstone
Mountain, named for deposits long
ago diminished. Now I drive over this
mountain to a mall for art supplies
not available here.

Friday, August 20, 2010


(left click to see larger)
I have been always in love with the Maine
coastal Ruga Rosa...wild what
I have by the kitchen porch I photo a seems an endless
cache of delights for me. Here a bee is approaching this
morning dew covered blossom and it thrills me to
to catch his little wings in the photo. Please click to the left to go on
my Flicker site to see a new Journal page
in my Out In My Yard project..

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Inspirations Come from Many Places

the photo above is from the great book
on Craftsman Style by Robert Winter and
Alexander Vertikoff
it inspired me to chalk pencil on my
logo design for the name I use
to sign my work, Winna...on an upholstered swivel
kitchen chair. I Matte sprayed it
to to preserve it and like the look. My first name is my
father's name, Edwin (I was hoped to be a boy)..
with an added "a" is easy to sign works with,
being all straight lines :-)

Sunday, August 15, 2010


A late in the day arrival of a photo from Kimberly Soucey
(Stafford Ct.)
She says she wondered how the new little chicks felt about
their survival as they had just lost their sister--
and also since Kodak was giving her grief with
her photo sending she wondered if this would
ever get to me....


Thank you all ! This was a new Winnas World group effort

with the theme of "Wonders"

I found the photos such a joy to receive and enjoy !....winna

(left clicking on photos will show them larger)


By Sumner Fowler (Petaluma, California )

"...even weeds have wonder"

By Amber Soucy Lawrence (Stafford Springs, Ct)

...."I wonder how many times a day this tiger thinks about jumping

over the fence and ripping a tourist to shreds..."

by Edwina Jill Mordasky (Stafford, Ct)

..."I wonder if having five toes on each foot makes

it hard to find shoes that fit good ? "

Marilyn Scussel (Stafford Springs)

"I wonder where I will find Missy sleeping

next..she is worse than a two year old ! "

By Susan Pacora (Thorndike, Mass.)

"The fuzz on the right is from my Newfie/St Bernard

puppy. Even the birds are into recycling !"

By Ann Maulucchi (Bolton, Ct)

".... chairs on the just want to sit and wonder....."

By Pat Morris (Stafford Springs, Ct.)
....a child's
touch of wonder......"


When I saw the red shoes, that's all I could think
of was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz
(there are some out there maybe
too young to know what this means)
clicking her heels together. and saying, "There's
no place like home"
This is how I felt a few weeks ago returning
back here from Eastport.
So, just now I put it together for
a front door hangydangy.
The shoes are stuck on with mounting tape
and the creation is on the top panel
of the front door...
..The tag I had made a while ago and love
the Victorian look.
This 50 year old door has had many a nail,
screw or staple in it and been speckled and painted over and over
so stapling this up seemed the best way to go :- )
The shoes could have sparkles added but I like
this look. I heard the woman having the tag sale, say to
her husband, "Those were Brianna's shoes and
she never wore them.."

Friday, August 13, 2010


while this is not a really clear shot, but it is so interesting
to watch the behaviour ...
don't forget the wonders photos are due by next Monday
(look below to see blog on submitting 'word inspired
I shot a series of crow and buzzard photos having woodchuck for supper on my front lawn a telephoto lens was used...I am happy my son, Kevin, stopped by to warn this was going to happen and to be ready with my camera...I think I'd have loved doing this as journal page but using the photo this morning fit me better.
I sat and watched mostly one buzzard reconnoiter from a near-by tree..
then was joined by another plus a crow so it became evident I was going to witness a once in a life time scene of their antics.
I had to be patient (hard to do) and got some photos I will be invaluable to me in future creative works. Ya never know...the buzzard would not allow (his or hers) fellow buzzard to join in....but the old crow, whom I believed is the high pooh bah around here that uses a deep honky type crow call to all the rest of them from high perches was allowed to share after he had convinced the buzzard first with scoldings and touching the crow is biting the buzzards tail which brought on instant flappings of wings---now that was a photo worthy of
being blown up---I'm sure others out there have other crowtactics in their memories..

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Catbird Clutches

I forgot to add this to this site--it is the finished
CatBird painting of which I showed the
original sketch before I went
to Eastport Maine this summer.
In acrylics, on 18 by 18 wrapped gallery canvas,
it is offered at $300.
A unique investment for yourself or
a gift perhaps? ( I did throw on the
towel to
cover the work while it was in
progress and it became painted,
to become an
important part of the symbolism...
PS..."Wonders" (theme for this first one)
photos for the Inspired Word
blog are due by next Monday the 16th
see 2 blogs below for more information on this fun
project you make possible.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Purple Pottery !

Don't forget those inspired word ("wonder") photos
to be sent in by next
Monday as posted in the blog below...
a couple have been sent in already and
I'm sure you'll like seeing them later..
now.... here is a fun find from Eastport Maine this
year--some purple pottery from the Dancing Dogs
Pottery shop on Water St.....this tray I like to use for
making me feel pampered etc in the am usually for coffee
and wheat round. It needs a solid color mug and to find
a color that tied in with the tiny purply fruits was a little jump for joy !

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Small Wonders

The word to use for this exercise is
Haven't been on this site in quite awhile....
I'm happy you came to visit and hope
those of you who know how to send me a photo
will join me in a creative exercise ---once a week I will
put up a photo taken by YOU that was inspired by
one word...
...take a photo that makes you feel the word
in some manner and write a sentence or two about
why you chose what you did.
The photos will be due on Monday, August 16th---
(strict rule) and I am so looking
forward to seeing this all come together
on Winnas World!
The first word will be "wonders"