nice diary that's in the photo background,
with the gold impression on
the cover and words all over it
I bought it at the Mark Twaine
home---it looks antique and has an interesting
clasp----the paper is lined as for a diary.
I never thought to use it for art journaling
because of the lines--but
Kathrin Jebsen-Marwell uses lined paper
and it looks super---so I decided to test it
for waterclor pencil and Pitt Pen as it seems
a bit like the Moleskine paper. I made three
colored blobs and then waterbrushed them---
they sort of resembled fish---so I outlined
them and could see the paper was usable
with light use of water---but not as heavy
as the Moelskine. I would not think it
would hold up as time passed...so it won't
get used for jounaling....I think you ought
to use something you feel you can trust.
and it looks super---so I decided to test it
for waterclor pencil and Pitt Pen as it seems
a bit like the Moleskine paper. I made three
colored blobs and then waterbrushed them---
they sort of resembled fish---so I outlined
them and could see the paper was usable
with light use of water---but not as heavy
as the Moelskine. I would not think it
would hold up as time passed...so it won't
get used for jounaling....I think you ought
to use something you feel you can trust.
Dear Winna, Your work is a huge inspiration to me, and your postings are a big reason I subscribe to EDM.
I'm a late bloomer, loved art as a child, but the usual story, raised a family, had to work, no time for art. Now that I'm older with a little extra time, I find I am enjoying art journaling and playing with watercolor pencils, and pens, and of course getting my fill of art supplies is sheer heaven.
Thanks for the daily inspiration. I would love to draw and paint like you when I "grow up."
You will enjoy it more as the freedom of yourself runs throughout your days..what you do is what you do--embrace it's uniqueness...winna
You will enjoy it more as the freedom of yourself runs throughout your days..what you do is what you do--embrace it's uniqueness...winna
somebody emailed that no comments can be made so I am am just testing
That really confused me for a bit - I was expecting blobs and all I could see was fish - that's quite an impressive transformation!
An old school friend and I used to play a game where you did a few little squiggles or lines on a piece of paper and swapped. The other person had to make a picture out of it. I have a feeling you'd be good at that!
I appear to be able to comment. :)
Winna, I too have a couple of lovely lined journals that I would love to use - but I don't feel that I could do them justice! Plus, as you say, I'm just not sure about the 'security' of the paper with water washes. - which reminds me - you have inspired me to try water brushes. I never have and really want to explore them. x
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