(click on the picture to see it larger)
when reading the words, please insert "shelf"
where you think it ought to be--I forgot to...
I love this old tin with it's dings and
scrapes---been around a long time
I think. I have it my kitchen
where I have a lot of collected red things
.I don't remember where I picked it up but
I know the cover was almost welded on
it seemed...and you could shake and hear
something was in there...finally got it
off through sheer determination and
wondered just how old the tea leaves are.
I rubbed Vaseline on the cover edges and
set it back on the shelf. I was happy
to have it "fit" an Every Day Matters
drawing challenge. I have used mixed medias
in a Moleskine journal. I ought to brew a cup
just to read the leaves as my grand mother
was so expert at this, she'd have me all
wide eyed listening to her tales...